Monday, June 2, 2008

Welcome Viewers!

Welcome to Obama Secrets website! Here is where I expose Obama for what is worth of true-based facts about him as well as the look to the future of his Presidentcy. Please enjoy the videos as well as the information given to you to show you better judgment of whom you don't want to vote for. We have provided you links, video footage, etc. from all over the net that has true-based facts all in one website that would bring it together to show you all the information you ever need to know about him, use it agaisnt him by spreading the word, etc. ObamaSecrets cotinues to provide you accurate information at the power of your fingertips. So here is what Obama wants you to have if he becomes President:

Yes We Can....Increase Welfare
Yes We Can....Lose the War on Terror
Yes We Can....Decrease the amount of your take home pay.
Yes We Can....Stop Killing Terrorist and start killing our own Babies "Partial Birth Abortions"
Yes We Can....Decrease the military, and the security of this country, so that any terrorist that wants to come to the U.S. can come and blow us the hell up.

No Obama 08!

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